June on the North Shore might not always bring weather that fully feels like summer, but the appearance of lupines is one SURE sign of the upcoming change in season! Take a drive on Highway 61 toward the Canadian border, and you’ll find some gorgeous patches of these tall wildflowers right out your window.
The Wild Lupine is native to the North Shore, but non-native varieties have become more prevalent and are most often the species you will see today. They are very hardy and don’t grow well in rich soil, so our natural rock and gravel terrain provides just what they need for ideal growing conditions. Lupines are most commonly found along roadsides, in shades of purple, pink, or white, and bloom anytime from late spring to early summer. (June is the safest bet!)
Head out for a lupine tour on your next early summer drive on the North Shore! But don’t wait too long – their season is brief and they’ll be gone before you know it.